This One to One Meeting Skills Training Course is for Sale
This one to one meeting skills training course will challenge the way your managers and leadership teams think
In our opinion one to one meetings between the team member’s line manager and the team member is an integral step in performance management, motivating the individual team members and keeping them longer.
Lots of managers (and team members) try to avoid one to one meetings because they think they are a waste of time and unproductive – which is so wrong
The key benefits we found when delivering this one to one meetings training course were:
- It challenges the managers and leadership teams think
- The end result is that managers start the meetings
- The format of the one to one meetings we teach promotes action
- Team members feel more involved
- It improves listening and feedback skills
- They help retain team members longer
This is a great one day training course that can also be broken down into smaller bitesize sessions, like all the courses for sale on this page.
In our experience, because this is a tried and tested one to one meeting skills training course, it improves the team’s morale, your customer satisfaction, your company reputation, and your competitive advantage
The aim of this one to one meetings skills training course is to encourage the managers and leadership team to create a process where they can sit with each of the team members one a month to set the monthly goals
By the end of this complaint handling training course, your learners will be able to:
- Explain the five levels of listening
- State the importance of one to one team meetings
- List the six reasons why people leave
- Think about the different types of one to ones
- Become at active listener
- Offer and receive feedback
The One to One Meeting Skills Training Course
When you buy this pre-written, ready to go, tried and tested one to one meetings skills training course, you receive:
- Course breakdown and suggested timings
- Comprehensive trainer notes
- Power point slides
- Learner notes with the slides on
- All the handouts and activities that accompany the course
Your purchase will be forwarded to you electronically once we have been notified by Shopify, we know you'll love it! It's pre-written and ready to go, the trainer notes are so well written and easy to follow.
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What one of our clients said:
"There has been so much I’ve gained from this session it is hard to list. The main thing I have taken from the training is greater confidence and motivation to be a great manager".
"Adrian, you should bring your skills to the council as a “trouble shooter” Please come back again". Sarah – (Planning Team Manager) – Greater Cambridge Planning Department (See more feedback here)